WBS Loyalty Program
The Wild Bird Store (WBS) loyalty program is intended as a reward for our customers who shop at WBS. The loyalty program cannot be combined with any other active discount or reward program currently running at WBS with the exception of our recycle discount. The loyalty program can replace existing reward programs now in place at WBS. You must be signed up in writing and entered into the system before any points can be rewarded. This must be done before a purchase is started.
The loyalty program credits participating customers with points on purchases made on eligible products. The points received have no cash value towards any merchandise and can only be used in conjunction with the loyalty program and its participating products. The loyalty program is built into the point of sale (POS) system used at WBS and as such cannot be transferred outside the system. Any errors or omission of points rewarded on the part of the POS will not be redeemable. Every effort is made by WBS to ensure that the POS is accurate and correct when rewarding points.
All optic products, books, CD’s, any product in the AV and Discount department of the POS, all consignment items, and any other product excluded by WBS will not be included in the loyalty program in any way.
Points are earned by purchasing eligible products in store that are determined from time to time by WBS. WBS will review the loyalty program to determine its effectiveness and viability as a loyalty program for WBS customers. The loyalty program can be discontinued with 30 days posted notice for customers to redeem outstanding points. After the 30 day period, outstanding points will be forfeited by the customers in the program without any compensation given by WBS to the customers as they have no cash value and are provided by WBS for use in the program.
These rules and regulations are also posted in the store and it is up to the participating customers to have read and understood the rules of the WBS loyalty program. By giving WBS your name, phone number and postal code you are agreeing to these terms.
Privacy Statement.
Any information gathered is for the express use of WBS and will not be given out to any other parties. Written consent on behalf of the customers must be given before any information can be used by outside parties. WBS may use the information gathered for internal marketing and/or research.
The Wild Bird Store Management.