Spring is fleeting, Summers almost here, what birds do you see?


The recent rain and snow has definitely helped the ponds and sloughs around Calgary, so a day of birding was a go!  Decided to head east from Calgary towards Strathmore and then north in the hope of seeing lots of our migrating birds.  We were not disappointed.  Lots of waterfowl in just about every pond with a definite emphasis on Northern shovellers.  Surprise was the Ruddy ducks—the males already fighting over the females, but we also saw lots of Red heads, Pintails, Cinammon, Blue and Green Teals, Scaups, Canvas backs, Widgeons, Golden eyes, Buffleheads, Hooded merganser and a single Eared grebe.  And that was just the waterfowl.  The shorebirds included Avocets, Black-necked stilts, Dowitchers, Yellowlegs (greater and lesser), Marbled godwit.

While it was exciting to see so many waterfowl and shorebirds, the songbirds had also returned including Western meadowlarks (oh how I have missed their joyous songs), Savannah sparrows, Wilson’s snipes and of course Great blue Herons and American white pelicans.  But here is the sighting of the day—while stopped by the side of the road near a lake searching for Great blue herons and the rookery, we spotted a flock of Yellow rumped warblers foraging in a bush.  Here in Alberta we are so fortunate to have many Warblers some who are just passing through on their way to their breeding grounds further north and those who stay, breed and raise their young right here. 

It was an absolutely glorious day of birding as we said goodbye to the Alberta winter.  We are so looking forward to sharing our future birding adventures with you all and hope you all get out and enjoy the true gifts of Spring/Summer in Alberta